High Noon

Created by High Noon Game, Inc.

An easy-to-learn, tactical Western shoot 'em up for 2 or more players where no two games are ever the same!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Resolving Outstanding Pledges
3 months ago – Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 07:48:28 AM

Howdy, High Noon Community!

I'm reaching out with an important update regarding the delay in certain shipments. Upon further investigation, we've identified the root cause of the issue, and I want to address it directly with you.

Initially, I estimated that there were 15 outstanding pledges awaiting shipment. However, after thorough inventory reporting by our fulfillment center, it has been determined that there are actually 60 outstanding pledges. The delay in these shipments was due to a shortage in inventory at the warehouse.

The number on the Backorder column is how many units are outstanding.

I want to take full responsibility for this oversight. As fate would have it, I am currently on a long overdue vacation, and I only became aware of the inventory shortage upon my arrival at my hotel. Fortunately, a dear friend came to the rescue, communicating with me, locating all the necessary inventory in my office, and swiftly shipping it out to the fulfillment center before he, too, had to leave town.

As of this moment, all the required items are en route to the fulfillment center. You can track the status of these shipments using the following link: UPS Tracking.

Once the inventory arrives and is checked in, the fulfillment center will be able to resume shipments without further delay.

I want to express my deepest gratitude for your patience and understanding throughout this process. Your unwavering support means the world to us, and we are committed to ensuring that you receive your pledges as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Thank you once again for your continued support, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.

Gunsmoke Trail is LIVE on Amazon.com!
4 months ago – Mon, Apr 01, 2024 at 07:44:48 PM

Howdy, y'all!

We're thrilled to announce that today marks the official launch of "Gunsmoke Trail," the highly anticipated novel set in the immersive universe of High Noon. Available now on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle, this thrilling addition to the High Noon saga is sure to captivate and inspire fans old and new alike.

To all our Ride or Die backers, don't forget to access the online forum for the step-by-step instructions on how to claim your free copy of "Gunsmoke Trail." Your unwavering support has made this journey possible, and we're excited to share this next chapter with you.

For everyone else, now is the perfect time to dive into the wild west adventure of High Noon. Purchase your copy of "Gunsmoke Trail" on Amazon today and join us as we ride the trails of adventure, intrigue, and suspense.

Thank you for your continued support, partners. Together, we'll make "Gunsmoke Trail" a bestseller and continue to expand the High Noon universe for years to come.


Get Paid to Play! (High Noon's Deputy Program and other exciting updates!)
4 months ago – Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 02:38:30 PM

Howdy, High Noon gunslingers!

Hold onto your hats, because we've got some thrilling updates brewing on the horizon. Get ready to saddle up and join us for an exciting ride through the wild west as we unveil what's in store for the world of High Noon.

USA Shipping Update:

We've noticed that some of you have received partial orders, sparking understandable concerns about the status of your shipments. Rest assured, your goods haven't been forgotten – there's simply been a hitch in the giddy-up along the way.

It turns out there's a major issue with the fulfillment center's local USPS station, causing a mix-up in the delivery process. While your High Noon treasures are indeed on their way, they've been separated from each other during their journey.

For more details on the situation, you can check out this article: USPS Problems Cause Delays at Metro Atlanta Facility

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience as we work to resolve the issue. Your High Noon adventure is still on the horizon – it's just taking a little detour through the wild west of postal service woes.

Keep your eyes peeled for more updates, and thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Gunsmoke Trail Book Update:

The wait is nearly over – we're just a few days away from the much-anticipated launch of "Gunsmoke Trail" on Amazon.com! This thrilling addition to the High Noon universe is set to hit virtual shelves very soon, and we couldn't be more excited to share it with you.

But wait, there's more! You can now secure your copy of "Gunsmoke Trail" by pre-ordering it on Kindle. Simply click here to place your pre-order: Gunsmoke Trail Pre-Order on Kindle

We're on a mission to ride this launch all the way to the top of the Amazon best seller charts, and we need your help to make it happen. Pre-ordering the book will greatly boost our metrics and increase our chances of reaching best seller status. So, saddle up and show your support by pre-ordering your copy today!

For those without a Kindle, fear not – "Gunsmoke Trail" will also be available in paperback format starting April 1st, using the same link provided above. Ordering the book on April 1st will be a crucial step in propelling us toward best seller status, so mark your calendars and be sure to place your order on that date.

Attention, Ride or Die posse members! 

Instructions on how to claim your free copy of "Gunsmoke Trail" have been posted in the Ride or Die forum. Head over there to see how you can obtain your complimentary book and join us on this thrilling adventure.

Thank you for your continued support, partners. Together, we'll make "Gunsmoke Trail" a best seller and continue to ride the trails of adventure in the High Noon universe.

Happy reading!

Forum Update:

We're thrilled to announce the launch of a brand-new category in our forum dedicated to special announcements related to all things High Noon. This new section will serve as your go-to destination for exciting updates, exclusive offers, and important news straight from the wild west.

To kick off the debut of this exciting new section, we're thrilled to share our very first announcement with you: a special promo code for 10% off your next order of High Noon products!

Head over to the forum now to grab the promo code and unlock savings on your favorite High Noon goodies. Don't miss out on this limited-time offer – saddle up and seize the savings today!

Thank you for being an essential part of our High Noon community. We can't wait to share more exciting announcements with you in the days to come.

Deputy Program:

We're excited to announce the official launch of our High Noon Deputy Program – a fantastic opportunity for you, our loyal fans, to get rewarded for spreading the word about the game you love!

As a High Noon Deputy, you'll receive your very own unique referral link that you can share far and wide to introduce the world to the excitement of High Noon. Here's how it works:

  • Sign up as a High Noon Deputy to receive your unique referral link.
  • Share your link with friends, family, and fellow gamers.
  • Earn a generous 15% commission on your customers' first orders, and 5% on all future orders those customers make!

But that's not all! With our user-friendly Deputy platform, you'll be able to track your clicks, conversions, and commissions with ease. Plus, commissions are paid out monthly directly to your bank account, making it even easier to reap the rewards of your efforts.

Seating is limited for this exclusive program, so don't delay – sign up today to secure your spot and start earning rewards as a High Noon Deputy!

To join the Deputy Program, simply head over to shop.highnoongame.com and click on the Deputy Program link in the top menu to get deputized today!

Free Gold!:

To help you kickstart your Deputy commissions, from now until April 8, we are giving away a free pack of chips and gold upgrades to every order containing a High Noon Starter Set. Share this with your friends, family, and network of gamers or use it for yourself and enjoy the free upgrade!

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for High Noon. Together, we'll ride the trails of adventure and spread the word far and wide!

Happy promoting, partners!

more excitement and thrills on the horizon.

So, keep your spurs jingling and your cards to your chest, partners. The wild west awaits, and we can't wait to share more thrilling updates with you in the days to come.

Until next time, happy trails and may your High Noon adventures be filled with excitement, laughter, and endless possibilities!


High Noon: The Next Chapter
4 months ago – Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 10:18:04 AM

Howdy, High Nooners!

I hope this update finds you all in high spirits and ready for some thrilling news from the wild west! I couldn't be more excited to share the latest developments with you as we ride closer to the showdown. Your unwavering support has been the backbone of this journey, and I'm incredibly grateful for each and every one of you.

So, saddle up and get ready to rustle some excitement, because we've got some exciting updates to share that'll make you feel like you're right in the heart of the action. Let's dive right in!

Shipping Status: USA

Partnering with our dedicated fulfillment team, we've been making steady strides in getting High Noon into the eager hands of our backers across the USA. It brings me immense joy to report that the majority of our USA backers have already received their games and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! From coast to coast, backers are diving headfirst into the action-packed world of High Noon and loving every moment.

Your enthusiasm fuels our determination to deliver an exceptional gaming experience, and seeing your smiling faces as you hold High Noon in your hands is truly the highlight of this journey. Thank you for your patience and support as we continue to ensure that every backer receives their game without delay.

Shipping Status: Canada

We encountered a slight delay in the fulfillment process as our dedicated team worked diligently to ensure that all VAT information for each item was meticulously prepared before shipping could commence.

I'm thrilled to confirm that as of today, our fulfillment center has everything they need to kickstart the shipping process to Canada! This means that your eagerly anticipated copies of High Noon will soon be making their way across the border and into your hands.

While delays are never ideal, please rest assured that we're doing everything in our power to expedite the process and get your games to you as swiftly as possible. Your patience and understanding during this time are greatly appreciated, and I'm confident that the wait will be well worth it once you're immersed in the thrilling world of High Noon.

Shipping Status: Europe

Almost all backers in Europe have now received their goods, and we couldn't be more thrilled with the positive feedback pouring in from across the continent. However, I must address a challenge we've encountered regarding the shipping of large items.

Shipping large goods from out of the country has proven to be a bit trickier than anticipated. Couriers are encountering difficulties discerning the true value of these items compared to what was initially paid for in the pledge. As a result, the majority of large pledges have been returned to us.

In response to this setback, we've had to get creative in our approach to fulfill these pledges. While it's been a complex puzzle to solve, rest assured that we are working tirelessly to address this issue. We've already begun implementing innovative solutions, and I'm pleased to report that we're making steady progress.

Additionally, please be aware that because the goods are being shipped from out of the country and not from our fulfillment center inside Europe, there may be additional fees from the courier that backers will need to pay to retrieve their goods. Unfortunately, we have no control over these fees.

Your patience and understanding during this time are invaluable to us as we navigate these challenges. We're committed to ensuring that every backer receives their rewards in full, and we won't rest until every large pledge is successfully fulfilled.

Shipping Status: Asia Pacific

Exciting news, partners! We've been receiving delightful notifications from our backers overseas, confirming the safe arrival of their High Noon packages. With each delivery reaching its destination, we're one step closer to ensuring that every backer in the Asia Pacific region, including Australia, receives their eagerly awaited games.

Your patience and enthusiasm throughout this journey have been truly remarkable, and we can't thank you enough for your unwavering support. Rest assured, we're working diligently to ensure that all remaining shipments reach their destinations swiftly and safely.

The Next Chapter

In my vision for High Noon, I've always aimed to expand the brand into multiple arenas of entertainment through a richly developed universe. That's why the Starter Set included a map of the Great State of Saratoga, complete with key locations and landmarks where pivotal events occur and characters originate.

Of course, none of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of the backers for the board game. Now, it's time to begin expanding into those areas, starting with my first thrilling announcement: my debut book, "Gunsmoke Trail."

Review Copy!

Synopsis: In Saratoga's unforgiving expanse, ambition breeds shadowy alliances and treachery. Governor McGrady, fearing the loss of his reign, manipulates the notorious gang Los Hermanos to maintain a facade of order. As McGrady's machinations unfold, Bonnie Beecher, the "Vigilante Virtuosa," and her Bandero Blondes rise in defiance, unwittingly caught in the governor's deceptive web. Meanwhile, Colonel Davis McAtte seeks vengeance, his quest intersecting with the grand designs of the cunning Diedrick Von Vatican, whose Vatican Ranch lies at the epicenter of these converging fates. Montana Azul plots within Vatican's formidable dominion, intending to use Bonnieas bait in a lethal bid for his own freedom, ensnaring the vigilant McAtte and his silent ally Monco. As the Rio de Estela courses through this rugged land, it echoes the entangled lives of those driven toward Vatican Ranch, where strategies clash and deceptions are revealed beneath the high western sun.

The climax simmers in the desolate town of Purgatory, where deceit, retribution, and elusive redemption collide at High Noon. Here, against the backdrop of High Noon's immersive board game universe, each character confronts their dark past and uncertain future, their tales weaving a tapestry of raw intensity that defines the wild heart of Saratoga.

This gripping narrative adds color and character to the expansion posses that backers currently possess and are also available at the High Noon store. It delves deep into the backstory of key figures and locales, enriching the overall High Noon experience and offering new layers of depth to the gameplay.

The book is scheduled to be released on Amazon on April 1st, 2024, and backers will soon be able to pre-order the book on Amazon Kindle.

Backers who went All-In on this Kickstarter will have the opportunity to receive the book for free. However, due to the nature of publishing, it will require a few extra steps. Once the book is live on the Amazon marketplace, I will share a post in the High Noon Ride or Die forum detailing the necessary steps to receive your free copy.

Every purchase of the book helps to get it listed as a Best Seller, which will go a long way to support the brand. So, please consider pre-ordering and/or purchasing the book for yourself or as a gift for a friend or family member. Sharing a link to the book with others will also help spread the word and support the High Noon universe!

Spreading the Word

Now that High Noon is out and backers are receiving their games, it's time to share the excitement with the world! I'm currently working on crafting social media ads to introduce High Noon to a wider audience, and I could use all the help I can get from our amazing backers.

If you're eager to contribute to the cause, I'm in need of photos and videos showcasing the fun and excitement of playing High Noon. Here's what I'm looking for:

Photos: Capture moments of laughter and enjoyment as you and your friends or family play High Noon. Show off the game and its miniatures on tables or displays in your home. For the best results, shoot in the highest resolution possible and use Portrait mode on your cell phone to blur out any background, making you and your game the focal point of the shot. Frame the pictures for 1x1 square photos, as that's what will ultimately be posted in social media ads.

Videos: Record videos that highlight the fun and engaging experience of playing High Noon. Include shots of laughter and excitement as players interact with the game. For the best quality, shoot in the highest resolution and use Cinematic mode on your cell phone to create a blurred background effect. Feel free to include cinematic shots of hands playing cards and moving miniatures around to showcase the immersive gameplay experience.

Once you've compiled your photos and videos, shoot me a DM and I will send you a instructions on how to submit them for use.

Your contributions will play a crucial role in spreading the word about High Noon and attracting new players to join the adventure. Together, we can make High Noon a household name in the gaming community!

To all our incredible backers, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you for your unwavering support and enthusiasm throughout this journey. High Noon wouldn't be possible without each and every one of you, and I'm endlessly grateful for your trust in bringing this wild west adventure to life.

As the High Nooniverse continues to grow and evolve, I'm thrilled to share even more exciting updates and adventures with you in the days to come. Your passion and dedication drive us forward, and I can't wait to see where the trail leads next.

Until then, keep your spurs jingling and your cards shuffling and don't forget to join our community on all platforms. The wild west awaits!

Birthday Update!
5 months ago – Tue, Mar 05, 2024 at 12:57:16 PM

Y’all know what time it is!

Well, technically, it’s quite a few weeks early for an update, but today is my birthday!

But enough about me.

Really, a lot has happened, enough for an update, so I wanted to get this one out there for you all.

Last weekend, I made the day-long pilgrimage to our fulfillment center in Atlanta to apply the Origin Marks to the packages for Customs release. Bridge Distribution was gracious to allow me to work overnight in their warehouse, combing through pallets of games and making an absolute mess of what little free space they had on the warehouse floor.

Kickstarter discontinued the ability to upload videos in the updates, but you can view them on our Facebook group here: (3) High Noon Official Group | Warehousing Wednesdays | Facebook

I’m elated to announce that Customs has fully released the games and expansions for delivery! What’s more, despite having several projects in front of us, Bridge – the amazing supporter of this campaign that they are – stepped up and immediately began fulfilling pledges as soon as we got the green light.

This means many of you in the USA and Canada should start receiving your packages in just weeks, if not days from this update!

Pledges continue to roll out as we are officially in the fulfillment phase of the campaign! I couldn’t ask for a better birthday gift.

Keep an eye out for shipping notifications and deliveries!

As for the High Noon Store, I received emails from several people unable to place orders due to undeliverable addresses. This issue was entirely my mistake as I forgot to update the shipping settings in the store for US and Canada orders. This issue now appears to be resolved as a few of you have been able to place orders and I just shipped them out from my office.

If you tried to place an order and were unable to for this reason, please try again and if the problem persists, please contact me via DM or through Facebook or Discord and I will immediately look into it.

All proceeds from the online sales go directly toward paying off the outstanding balances for all of our vendors involved in getting you these games, so every little bit helps and I can’t thank you all enough for your continued support.

Please consider sharing the online store with your friends and family and encourage others to try out the game as our success currently depends on word-of-mouth.

We’re almost finished with our European backers, so if you haven’t gotten your games yet, just know you are on the shortlist and should be getting your expansions very soon.

Thank you all again for your continued support and patience as we work around the clock to wrap up this incredible journey in getting High Noon to all of your tables!