High Noon

Created by High Noon Game, Inc.

An easy-to-learn, tactical Western shoot 'em up for 2 or more players where no two games are ever the same!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

February Update - Almost on The Road Again
5 months ago – Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 05:05:52 PM

Hello friends,

As usual, I’ve been holding out on an update until there was something to actually update you on. That time has come.

This is an update on the status of the USA shipping, something we’ve all been waiting on for quite some time.

A lot has happened over the past few weeks, a lot of emotions have been poured out, a lot of anxiety and prayer. I’m going to tell you a bit about it but if you don’t care to know, you can find the official status down below under “Shipping Status,” so just scroll down until you see that.

For the rest of you, here’s the story of this past month…

As you may have followed from the tracking link on the update from last month, the cargo bound for the USA reached port of Savannah back on February 5th. But this was not the only container that arrived in the USA.

I’ve done my best to lay out to all of you my vision for the High Noon brand and its future. This Kickstarter served as the first seed of that venture. As I’ve said before, unlike most Kickstarters for games (and this is not anything against those Kickstarters), this campaign was never intended to be a one-shot. The goal here has always been to launch a bold brand with a strong and wide reach of products: Hit the market hard and use that momentum to keep on going.

At the end of the day, all of you would have a copy of the game and its expansions for your support and the brand itself would have enough inventory to sell and grow capital for future productions, expansions and even other areas of the entertainment industry (merchandising, toys, books, shows, films, etc.)

That sell-off inventory arrived at my office on a separate container on February 7th, just 2 days after your copies arrived at the port warehouse for delivery to our fulfillment center.

However, unlike my sell-off inventory that arrived without incident, your items were sharing a container with other importers and needed to be offloaded at the Customs warehouse for sorting. It was there in the warehouse that Customs identified a small – yet significant oversight, one I, myself am directly responsible for.

Despite the cases for all of the items marking their country of origin, the packaging for each individual unit was missing such a mark. It is in the artwork files, but – in my haste to complete the packaging artwork for all of the items – I forgot to move the mark out from under the barcode graphics when I repositioned them, resulting in them not being on the final print work.

As a result, Customs held the cargo until the items could be labeled. This is entirely my fault.

I was not aware of this issue until a week later when they delivered the news to us. By then, the cargo had been on hold in the warehouse for that week, accruing storage fees.

I was advised that this happens a lot and importers are usually allowed a conditional release of their cargo, provided they mark the items with labels before shipping. This worked in my favor because there were some barcode mismatches anyway and several items needed to be re-barcoded. Adding the “Made In China” text to the barcodes was a very simple fix and one we could do at the fulfillment center.

However, it seemed our cargo was singled out from the tens of thousands of shipments that pass through the port every month, where Customs had decided not to allow the provisional release and was instead requiring me to have the warehouse label the products. The quote to re-label everything came back to the tune of several thousands of dollars, money I simply don't have after everything I have endured to get the cargo this far.

My shipper spent the next 2 weeks working with the Customs agent to reach a solution, but it didn’t seem like Customs was willing to budge on the issue.

Last week, I was made aware of the situation in its entirety and my heart sank into my stomach. With no way to pay the warehouse to label the items, it seemed as if everything I had worked so hard for and all the patience you all have given to me and this campaign would ultimately end in nothing, all because of a simple sticker on a package.

So I reached out to Customs myself and I spoke to them about my situation and their concerns. At first, they were very frustrated with me because they’d already gone over this with my shipper. But after they heard my story, I could hear a crack of sympathy in their voice.

The agent expressed to me her concern that anyone could promise anything and go off and do whatever they wanted once their shipment was released and, given that I had no track record to show for myself, there was no telling what I’d do.

I told them I’d do anything to make it right, even drive up to the port with my own labels and fix everything in front of them if I had to.

The agent told me to send her photos of my proposed solution and she would try and push a conditional release “up the chain,” something that would likely take weeks to do, if successful.

Fortunately, I had labels at my office, as well as a stash of inventory to showcase, so I labeled a few items with the barcodes and markings and sent them to her immediately.

That was a week ago. For an entire week, we were met with radio silence and growing storage fees.

Then the weekend hit.

Then the holiday.

Then Monday.

Then Tuesday.

On Wednesday, with no word from Customs, we received our first invoice from the warehouse, a bill equaling the amount to label the items, doubling a fee I already couldn’t afford.

I was demoing High Noon at a local game store at the time and my gut sank even lower. Here I was, showcasing my game to people, while silently mulling over the very real possibility that I wouldn’t have a game at all by tomorrow.

A thought occurred to me, I could fulfill almost all of the pledges with what I had in my possession, but not everything. The upgrade tiles would need to be reproduced, as well as the Kickstarter Expansion loot, a few thousand dollars expense I could eventually afford, but would be months – if not a year – out to fulfill to you all.

And even then, I would have nothing left. Without inventory to sell, that would be the end of my game, I’d have made good on my commitment to you, at the cost of everything in the future.

It was an outcome I wasn’t happy with, but one in which my conscience could rest.

I have always promised not just you all but also myself that I would never allow High Noon to fall into the category of the litany of Kickstarters that took your money and ran. Come Hell or High Noon, you would all get your games and expansions.

Still, that would be a last resort.

I had phoned a friend, who is close with our Congressman, for a lifeline. Though I’m not in the same state as the fulfillment center, we are neighboring states and Congressmen tend to mingle on Capitol Hill. It was a long shot, but another friend had done the same and gotten his music venue approved by the city council across the boarder, the very next day. Miracles could happen.

It was after that phone call, standing outside the game store, that I felt a sudden wave of relief wash over me.

Miracles have happened.

You’ll recall while I was at Essen, the miracle of the delivery of our games to the port, clearing German Customs and delivered just as the show began, something nobody had ever seen before.

Standing in the parking lot, I was reminded by a voice in my head of the prayer I prayed in Essen, “God, if you want these games here, nothing can stop them from getting here. And if you don’t want them here, nothing I do will get them here. And if you don’t want them here, it’s because you have another plan in mind and it’s not for me to know, say or decide what that plan is. Your will be done.”

In that moment, I released everything to Him and went back inside to finish my demo.

This morning, as I sat at my office desk to print out my documents to submit to my Congressman, I received an email from the Customs Agent. She had finally gotten caught up with her emails from the holiday weekend and reviewed my proposal.

“Looks perfect!” She said.

And just like that, we got our conditional release.

My friends, we aren’t out of the woods yet, but we are close. And that brings us to the…

Shipping Status

As of today, the goods have been released, but we still need to get them trucked over to Atlanta, about a 4 hour journey. From there, the goods need to be offloaded, unpacked, labeled and documented for Customs and then processed for fulfillment.

We are shooting for a Monday delivery to the fulfillment center. There are some scheduling issues with another container at the fulfillment center so the window is VERY tight, but everyone is working around the clock to get this done.

As for me, I will personally be heading up to Atlanta – a 6 hour drive for me – to personally label each and every one of the 4,000+ units.

Once that’s done, fulfillment can officially begin.

That’s how close we are.

Now to a different subject that’s even more difficult for me to bring up, but I have no choice at this point…

 Stop the Bleeding

Given everything that we have endured over the last 6 years, if High Noon has any hope of success, we need to stop the bleeding immediately. I simply cannot afford any additional costs and I refuse to pass that on to you. It’s not your fault, nor your responsibility.

But it does need to happen.

There are still bills to be paid, fulfillment centers that haven’t even begun shipping and will be issuing invoices to me very soon. There’s still a balance on the containers as well. The shipper has been very gracious to work with me on those but they need to be paid also.

Furthermore, while the warehouse has agreed to stop charging me for storage – provided the cargo is picked up by Monday – there is still the outstanding invoice of several thousands of dollars to release the cargo so it can be delivered to the fulfillment center.

Thankfully, I have been blessed by two incredible and supportive parents who have stepped up more than once to help me see this campaign to its conclusion. They’ve agreed to cover the bill just so I can get the games to you all. I will never be able to put into words how much encouragement they have given me through this entire endeavor, nor will I be able to thank them enough for coming through in my darkest hours. This truly is a family business, through and through.

That said, I have inventory to sell and I need to sell it. So as of this writing, I am opening up the High Noon shop to US customers. All sales from the shop are going directly to the costs of finishing this campaign out and getting you your games.

I don’t like it. I feel dirty just doing it, but I don’t see any other way to stay afloat at this juncture and I am throwing myself on the mercy of you all to understand my situation. I have never wavered in my commitment to you all, and I don't intend to waver now.

What does that mean for all of you? Well, grabbing a few packs of chips and token upgrades to finish out your own collections goes a long way to help cover the gap. Thinking about a gift for a relative or friend? Consider grabbing a copy of High Noon and some expansions to share the love. OR grab a copy through the store for yourself and gift your pledge to someone you know and love when it arrives.

I know many of you put up all you can afford, especially in this economy, so simply spreading the word far and wide that High Noon is available is more than enough.

Talk to your local game stores about carrying High Noon and have them reach out to start a wholesale order with us.

I know I keep saying it, but it gets truer every day: we are nearing the finish line on this campaign and you’ll all be playing High Noon with your friends and family sooner than you think.

For those of you in the Asia Pacific, Australia, etc. we are nearing the week 5 mark, for delivery to the fulfillment center in Taiwan. If I don’t get an update from VFI on Monday, I will reach out for word and let you all know the status.

While in Atlanta next week, I will be at Discover Games to run some High Noon skirmishes and socialize with gamers. If you’re in the area, consider coming by to say hello, support your local business and play a game with me.

This concludes February’s update. I look forward to delivering a thrilling update in March as you all begin to receive your thrilling emails with tracking numbers!

Thank you everyone.

Until next time!

January Update
6 months ago – Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 04:04:37 PM

Howdy everyone!

As we wrap up the first month of 2024, I thought it no better time to fill you all in on the current status of all shipments.

EU Shipment

Of the 187 European backers in this campaign, 171 pledges have been shipped out with most delivered. There are currently 16 orders being processed and 1 on hold as we try to reach the backer for updated information.

Asia Pacific

Though the container was picked up from the factory in early December, we just received notice that there was seasonal peak congestion slowing down the shipping process tremendously.

There was an additional 2 week delay due to something not specified by our fulfillment service, VFI, but it appears to have affected everyone shipping containers out of China.

Many of you likely received an email from VFI, updating their current status on shipment. The goods are on the way, they’re just pressing through obstacles at the moment.

USA Shipment

The US-bound container is slated to arrive in New York in this Thursday (1/25/2024) and will begin making its way down to our fulfillment center in Georgia with an ETA of 2/3/2024. Everything will need to be checked in and processed before shipping out commences, but I will let you all know as soon as I hear something from them.

I was informed that the tracking data I provided in the previous update had the final destination of the container landing in Taiwan. Obviously that's not correct and was due to me giving the container number and not the BOL. Sorry about that! You can track the shipment via its BOL here:


Choose Tracking type B/L# and input 2144594390

The positive side of this is the games are steadily getting to their destinations and we are reaching the finish line and I’m looking forward to seeing lots of social media posts of everyone with their games on the table!

Shop is open

There is still a little bit of inventory left over from the EU fulfillment center, so I’ve opened the store to allow orders to go out. It's steep because it's air freight from China and VAT is a beast, but if anyone wants to spend the extra money or you know someone who wants a copy for themselves, you all can head on over to Shop.HighNoonGame.com to grab what’s left.

I know that might rub some people the wrong way, but this all goes to help cover the extra costs that went into getting the games out to you all, through all of the seemingly endless hurdles we faced throughout this entire campaign, from the steep price increases of containers during the shortage, to the Customs Fees spikes from the COVID years, to the air-freight solution for the European backers. There's nowhere near enough in stock to make it all back, but every little bit helps.

Anyhow, that’s the update for now.

Until next time!

Christmas Update!
7 months ago – Tue, Dec 26, 2023 at 10:30:37 AM

Merry Christmas everyone!

I promised a shipping update, so here it is, short and sweet!

Asia Pacific/Australia: The container arrived to the fulfillment center last week. You guys should be receiving shipping notifications any day now. I’ve been getting messages about a lack of notifications and I reached out to the fulfillment center about it but it is the Christmas Holidays, so it’s possible everyone was off for vacation. If I get anything, I’ll let all of you know. Otherwise, just sit tight because your games are on the way to your doors.

Europe: The fulfillment center received the container but I forgot to add the tracking number to the shipment for them to track it, so they worked on it internally. They informed me it’s about a 48 hour delay on notifications but they are working on it and should be shipping to you very soon. Please expect to pay VAT and Customs fees upon receiving your items as these fees were not charged initially. For whatever reason, they were not calculated in the BackerKit check-out so they aren’t anything you wouldn’t already be paying. These should be true-cost and completely transparent charges, as I don’t have any control over them. You should be receiving shipping notifications to your emails but if I receive any notifications, I will let you know.

USA: The container was picked up and is currently boarding a vessel to Georgia, where it will be delivered to the fulfillment center. ETA for USA landing is 1/22/24. You can track and follow the container’s voyage here: https://www.oocl.com/eng/Pages/default.aspxthe container number is OOLU9455722

Santa is working overtime for all of us and I can’t wait to see pictures of all of your games, so please head over to our Facebook page and/or Discord server and join, if you haven’t already and join the party! If you post any pictures of the games, please use the hashtag #HighNoonGame

Merry Christmas!

2023 Post-Gobble-Gobble Update
8 months ago – Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 05:29:23 PM

Howdy everyone! I hope those of you in the States had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families. This update will be a quick one but there’s quite a bit of information so here we go!

First, I’d like to introduce you to our brand new Posse Spotlight: The Bandero Blondes!

Now for the topic you all came here for: Shipping!

After several weeks of back-and-forth and reviewing Quality Control videos from the factory, all of the expansions are officially packaged and palletized for shipment. They’re finally ready and waiting to be picked up by our shipping vendors.

This was a critical step in the process as I’m not able to even get a shipping quote without exact numbers, dimensions and weights of the pallets going out to various destinations.

Just prior to Thanksgiving, I received and approved the quotes for our USA shipping vendor. Unfortunately, we had to wait until after the holiday weekend to proceed, but we are back in action and the vendor is now communicating directly with the factory to arrange pickup.

Similarly, VFI - our vendor for Asia Pacific - is communicating with the factory to pick up their pallets. They will be shipping directly out of China, so that means many of you in the land Down Under might be getting your expansions before everyone else. Try not to rub it in their noses. Just kidding. Totally rub it in with epic pictures!

This brings us to Europe… This place has been heck-a tricky. Because we don’t have a VAT ID, we have been using our fulfillment center’s ID to get items in. That’s worked out well in the past, but we’ve been advised it could backfire in the future and we really need to get the VAT ID sooner rather than later. I really don’t want to put the pressure on our fulfillment center any more, as they have been great partners to us thus far.

Getting a VAT ID takes a lot of time, sometimes even months, and is very costly. It’s an ongoing, annual expense that we simply haven’t had the budget for, otherwise we would have gotten it sooner. I’ve spoken with an agent about getting things rolling to go legit in Europe, but logistically I don’t see it happening until sometime mid 2024.

...But all is not lost!

Last night, I had a meeting with another fulfillment center in mainland China, near our factory, about handling our deliveries to our European backers. I am waiting for a quote from them and expect it in the next few days. It might be more expensive than shipping everything to Europe, but if the price is close enough, I think it would be a justifiable expense to get you all your expansions in short order. Right now, that vendor is also communicating with the factory to gather the relevant information to put a quote together for me. In fact, I expect to hear from them tonight or tomorrow but I didn’t want to delay this update any further.

So where does that put us on the Christmas Delivery? I’ll be completely honest with you all. I think we’re still on track for Asia Pacific and Europe. However, the US, it will likely be just past that time. I’m not giving up hope, but there’s only so much one can do to speed up a shipment, short of pushing the vessel myself.

That said, things are moving. They just took longer to get moving and that is entirely my fault. Also, I still do believe there is a chance for a Christmas delivery for our US backers and if there’s anything at all that I can do to keep that in the finish, I will do everything in my power to do it.

Now let’s talk about something that came up recently. Many of you have reached out to me about customs fees on the delivery of these items. Be prepared to pay them.

If you look back at the campaign, the shipping quotes specifically mention that customs fees were not included in the shipping estimates. I know it also said that the customs fees would be added in BackerKit but for whatever reason they were not. I even went back into the reports to dig up everything charged to everybody and confirmed that not a single backer was charged anything extra for customs fees. I don’t know why nobody was charged. I’m still new to figuring out how BackerKit’s backend even works. But I can assure you that you weren’t charged for this fee. So whatever the tax is going to be on the expansions is what it’s going to be. Customs or the final courier handling your games will give you the bill for the tax. On the plus side, this means you can rest assured it is the true cost of Customs and nothing extra is baked in.

Now for something extra…

It’s only taken a year to finish, but you can finally play High Noon on Tabletopia with miniatures!

Complete with updated artwork!

I’ve even released a version with all the expansions, available to Premium members on Tabletopia.

As always, Ride or Die members get access to this version absolutely free. You can get a private Ride or Die link in the Discord server. Simply join the Discord and then message me your Ride or Die e-mail and I will get you access to play!

Ok that’s it for this update!

The next time I publish an update will be with an official ETA on your delivery as well as tracking data on any containers going overseas so you can follow them as you wish!

Spiel Essen Update #002
9 months ago – Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 12:29:47 PM

Post Essen Update!

Behold, my hand!

Join our Socials!

Pics from Spiel Essen!